Atlético de Madrid coach pointing with his hand and an out-of-focus player in a circle, with the headline "180° turn: The pearl of Atlético that has asked Fernando Torres to leave: definitive"

EstoesAtleti expands horizons: we launch our page in English

EstoesAtleti is renewed and from today has an English version that increases the ambition of the project

This is Atleti continues to grow. Our page, which already accumulates almost 3 million visits per month, now has an English version. In the English version we will bring you all the news about Atlético de Madrid in the language of Shakespeare . We want to be references and pioneers in bringing you the best of the day-to-day life of the mattress club.

For this purpose, this version in English arrives, where you can keep an eye on the club's news, signings, opinion and the best information. Simeone 's press conferences, with our correspondents, the reports after the games and the day-to-day life of the club. You will also read the most important things from the women's and youth sections.

The greatness of Atlético de Madrid is in every corner of the world, with the supporters clubs and with the members that the club has. We can see it daily on social networks; We receive comments from Japan, China, Australia, South Africa, the United States, Morocco, Arabia and France , among others. The club grows and we grow with them. We want to go hand in hand and be there, consolidating ourselves as the medium that reflects the feelings of the mattress fans.

We have fun on Instagram

Screenshot of an Instagram profile called
Our Instagram continues to grow | Canva Pro

Our channel continues to grow; We are already close to 1,000. Our fun stories engage you. You can find us at:

We are on Twitter

All this growth is added to that of our social networks. On Twitter we already have 28,300 followers from all over the world. The qualitative leap is very big; In the last few months we have gained more than 5,000 followers. In our profile, if you activate the bell, you will be able to instantly receive each information we publish.

Our account is @estoesatleti.

We claim it on Facebook

This English version will allow all our followers to better understand what is happening at all times. Our Facebook also continues to grow; Today we have 13 thousand followers, with almost 15 thousand likes.

On the page[]( you find all the news at the moment.

We give it all on WhatsApp

Follow the news on our channel; We already have more than 1,000 followers. Follow our group here and you will receive the exclusives instantly:

We grow from Telegram

In our telegram we are already close to 400, activate notifications so you don't miss any of our information:

This has only just begun. Thank you for so much love and for following us on our networks; We do it for you and for you. This is Atleti is sustained thanks to you, to the dissemination you give to each of our tweets or reposts.

You are the most important part of all this, what gives us strength every day to continue and stay up to date with the news. As we told you, news is coming very soon, so activate the notification bell to be aware of them.